General principles of the specialized quarterly of transmissible diseases between humans and animals

 | Post date: 2022/07/18 | 

The specialized quarterly of transmissible diseases between humans and animals is published in the Persian language (with an English article summary) in order to expand and publish the research activities of domestic and foreign researchers.  This magazine publishes articles that are in various fields of zoonotic diseases and have not been published in any domestic or foreign magazines. The addressees of this publication are the members of the scientific faculty, students of various fields of medical sciences, veterinary medicine and paramedicine, managers, experts, and medical health workers. This magazine is published quarterly.  The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the content of each article. This magazine reserves the right to reject or accept, edit, and summarize the articles, as well as the income from publishing the articles.    In any case, the submitted article will not be returned.
Obviously, the final decision about the articles based on the opinions of the scientific referees and the criteria of the journal is the responsibility of the editorial team, and the journal reserves the right to reject, accept, modify, edit and summarize the article. Also, all the contents of the magazine are subject to international intellectual rights and any copying, posting, display, or printing of the contents of the magazine can be done with the written permission of the magazine office.
This magazine contains original research articles, review articles, short communication, letters to the editor, case studies, case reports, and guidelines compilation reports. It publishes Clinical Practice Guideline and Book Review which is related to the goals of the journal and in an official format.
The types of articles accepted in this publication include the following:
A review article can be an authoritative personal overview of a field or a comprehensive review of sources. In this type of article, the author must have complete coverage of the subject of the article and it is essential that the article contains a maximum of 7000 words. Also, at least 30 sources should be referenced, among which at least three sources should be from the author's own research activities on the subject of the article. It is not enough to just summarize and report the results of other people's work, but serious theorizing and conclusion should be done. The abstract of these review articles will be the final summary of the review. Review articles are divided into systematic review and meta-analysis.
The original research article is the result of the authors' unpublished research findings. These articles are prioritized for publication in the journal and contain a maximum of 4,500 words and a maximum of 8 images/tables. At least 30 sources should be referenced in the original article.
A short research article/short report has the same structure as research articles, with the difference that the findings of the study and research are few, or for other reasons, the researcher does not want to fully explain it. It is the result of very important research findings of the authors, which needs to be published quickly due to its high innovation and newness, and the process of judging and publishing the article is shorter. In these articles, the discussion and findings are integrated together. 

It includes the following parts:
Introduction:  It is necessary to briefly mention the necessity of conducting the study and the purpose of the study. Also, the purpose of the study should be mentioned clearly and objectively at the end of the introduction.
Materials and methods:  It is necessary to present this part briefly and in such a way that the method of conducting the study is clear to the reader. Also, at the beginning of this part, the type of study, the time and place of the study, the statistical population, the sample population, and the sampling method should be specified. Also, the questionnaire, its different items, the scale of the questionnaire, and its grading method should be briefly introduced. Also, at the end of this section, it is necessary to mention the statistical tests, type, and editing of the software used for data analysis.
Findings and discussion:  The most important findings related to the purpose of the study should be mentioned with the least number of tables and graphs and the discussion should be presented in line with the objectives of the study in such a way that the reader can access new information in this regard. Combine findings and discussion.
A case report consists of a case study of disease (patient) that describes a new condition or provides. The reported case should be one of the rare cases and very rare complications that will gain new knowledge and look in the field of symptoms, diagnostic or treatment methods, and reporting of natural and abnormal rare cases. The case report should contain 2000-1500 words and its abstract should be a maximum of 200 words. It should also include sections of introduction, the introduction of the patient, and conclusion in the abstract, and introduction, the introduction of the patient and the discussion should be in the main text with a maximum of 4 tables or figures and a maximum of 25 sources.
Letter to the Editor: It is related to expressing an opinion and scientific criticism about one of the articles in the last issue of the magazine, which has a maximum of 850 words (approximately 3 pages) and at least 5 sources. If the first author wants to continue answering the scientific criticism, the answer will be published at the same time.         
Book review:  In the book review section, various discussions of a newly published specialized book can be introduced at a glance. This introduction, which can contain the strengths and weaknesses of the book, should be done in a maximum of 3 pages.
Dear researchers, the articles submitted to this journal must be compiled according to the writing guide below. Otherwise, the article will not be reviewed (please read the technical conditions of the article before sending it).
The article must not have been published in any domestic or foreign magazine and it must not have been sent to another publication at the same time.
 The author is responsible for the correctness of the content and information contained in the article, as well as the observance of the rights of the authors and researchers.
All articles must be done in accordance with ethics and according to the specific statements in research ethics and have obtained the permission of the ethics committee.
The responsible author's signature on behalf of all authors in the commitment form is necessary at the time of submitting the article.
 The names of the authors will be presented in the same order as they were entered when the file was filed when the article is printed, and no changes will be made in the order or number of authors.
Article review process
In the first process, the articles sent by the specialized executive board, including the journal expert, statistician, department head, and editor, are initially reviewed to ensure that they meet the basic criteria for publication in the journal.  Submitted articles are also evaluated for plagiarism. Only the articles that pass the initial process are sent to the referees for further evaluation. This process accelerates the decision-making process and informs the authors and reduces the heavy burden of judging for the judges. All articles are judged in a double-blind manner.

How to send the article:
- The responsible author must send the article through the website of the quarterly to this address.
- It is emphasized that the responsible author of the article (the author with a star) should submit the article on the quarterly website, otherwise the database of the responsible author's articles will be incomplete.
Respected authors should upload their articles on the journal website in the form of two separate files (the file with the names of the authors and the file without the names of the authors). Also, the
 the cover letter must be signed and attached by all the authors.
-  Given those standard guidelines for reporting all types of studies, including trials, observational studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and qualitative research in The EQUATOR Network at is accessible, it is strongly recommended to refer to the mentioned guides and to fully comply with the standards mentioned in writing the article.
Also, the checklist of all types of studies is available on this site, and it is necessary for respected authors to submit their articles by observing the full details of these checklists. Failure to pay attention to this and other parts of the guide for journal authors will result in the fast rejection of the article.
It should be noted that for the ease of access of the authors, important checklists have been translated into Farsi in the relevant section and uploaded on the site.
To learn more about how to compile articles, respected authors can use the latest issue of the magazine.
Article submission form (Cover Letter):
The title of the article (in Farsi and English) must include the topic of the research and be typed in bold.
The name of the author or authors (in Farsi and English) and then their last academic degree, academic rank, and the educational group must be mentioned after the title of the article.
The address of the author and authors, which includes their respective department, faculty, university, or research institute, must be stated in full.
It is necessary to include the address of the responsible author for the scientific contacts of other researchers in the Farsi language on the first page of the article. This address should be written in full along with the postal code, landline phone number and fax, and e-mail address.
Repeated title (Running title) with a maximum of 50 characters that is repeated at the top of each page of the article.
If the study of the research project is approved by the university, while sending the project number, a letter signed by the vice president of research of the university or the relevant institution stating that the publication of the article in the journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences is unimpeded should be submitted.
The articles must have the following characteristics:
- The main language of the quarterly is Farsi. Past verbs should be used to describe results, and present tense to refer to results already obtained and generally accepted. Writers who are unsure of correct English usage should have their essays checked by experts in English writing. Articles that are flawed in this regard may be returned to the author for revision before scientific review.
- Have a clear, precise, and concise title. The title page should include the title of the article, the authors' first and last names, the authors' last academic degree and academic affiliation, along with the exact postal and electronic addresses of all authors, as well as the responsible author's phone number and fax number.
The abstract (in Farsi and English, up to 250 words) and keywords should be between 3 and 5 words according to the medical topics (Mesh). The English abstract should be exactly equivalent to the Persian abstract. For clinical trial research articles, it is mandatory to insert the clinical trial registration code before mentioning the keywords. - The main text of the article should include sections of introduction and methods, results, discussion, general conclusions, and suggestions.
  Appreciation and thanks are conflicts of interest and resources.
- The volume of articles for short research articles, full research articles, and reviews (including main text, tables, figures, and references) should not exceed 4000, 7000, and 10000 words, respectively. Any duplication of information in the text and images, as well as excessive references, should be avoided
- the corresponding author and the first author should have an ORCID code.
- Abbreviations: it is necessary to list all common abbreviations used in the article as a footnote on the first page of the article. Mention of self-made abbreviations should be strictly avoided.
- NameScientific names (genus and species) should be mentioned in italics in all texts and sources. The abbreviated name of the scientist introducing the species is in non-italic form and its first letter starts with capital letters. Example: L Juglans regia
- All tables and figures must be exactly mentioned and numbered in the text.
- The number of figures and tables should not be more than 6. Repetition of results in forms and tables is not acceptable. To refer to figures and tables, it is not necessary to mention the word "number" (for example, " Figure 1. " or " Table 2. ").  
- Figures and tables should be placed in the main file of the article near the relevant content. They do not need to be uploaded at the bottom or top of the article or in a separate file
- all images (charts and photos) are classified as figures.
- The number and title of the forms are always shown below them. The title should be brief and include a description of the image. The text should be kept to a minimum on figures, but all symbols and abbreviations used should be explained
- ensuring correct labeling) and sufficient resolution of figures for publication.
- Tables should be self-explanatory, have a clear arrangement and complement the text. Tables should be created from left to right with the table tool in Microsoft Word software. The number and title of the table are always placed above it. Tables should be prepared with real rows and columns and space keys should not be
- Vertical lines should not be included in the tables and should be blurred.
- Previously published materials should be specified by mentioning the main source in the table.
- Captions of figures and tables should be shown with uppercase lowercase letters or stars for significance and other statistical data
- Description of the column should be short and units of measurement should be in parentheses. All abbreviations should be defined in subtitles. Its tables and subtitles should be understandable without referring to the text.
- There should be no space between the word and period (.), comma (,), question mark (?), and parentheses (). After inserting the mark, insert a space. The principles of formatting and page layout must be followed.
- The way to write some commonly used words in the text is as follows:
(pH), (P > 0.05) and...
When citing sources, there is no need to mention the name of the author and the year
To write systematic review articles, it is recommended to use the instructions on the following sites:
Useful resources for learning the methodology
of standards for reporting a systematic review article,
conditions and ethical basics:
All articles must be done in accordance with ethics and according to the specific statements in research ethics and have obtained the permission of the ethics committee.
The responsible author (corresponding author) is responsible for collecting the article and submitting it to the journal office, and all authors are aware of the final text of this article and are aware of submitting the article to this journal. Also, by submitting an article to the journal, the authors declare that the article has not been published in any other language or in any other journal. Otherwise, it is obvious that the article will be removed according to the approved law of publications and at the discretion of the editor.
Along with the original article, a letter signed by all the authors of the article must be attached, stating their consent to publish the article and not to send the article to other journals at the same time. Sending this letter of request means accepting all the terms of the publication and assigning all the authors' rights to the publisher.
In the acknowledgment section, it should be specified that the submitted article is the result of a research project or thesis, and the registration number, date of registration, place of registration, and provider of financial resources should be mentioned.
According to paragraph 7 of article 4 of the statutes of the Medical Sciences Publications Commission, all clinical trial studies can be published in the journal if they are registered at the Iranian Clinical Trial Registration Center (IRCT) at the address before the start of patient recruitment. Also, if the study requires a special permit, it should be mentioned in this section.
In conducting the research, all the principles and rules of research ethics and medical ethics must be observed in accordance with the accepted national or international guidelines (Declaration of Helsinki, 2008); it is mandatory to submit the permission of the ethics committee for all articles.
The intellectual property form must be completed first.
The questionnaire file (if any) in the qualitative articles should be sent separately as an attachment.
The intellectual property declaration form of the article should be signed by all the authors and registered in the article submission system. The author is responsible for the correctness of the signature of all authors.
The editorial board is free to reject or accept articles and is not excused from returning the article and its appendices.
The submitted articles will be reviewed by the editorial board in general, and if they comply with the publication's criteria in terms of content and structure, they will be sent for judging. Judges are selected from among the most experienced experts in the related field. If the article is printable according to the reviewers, their comments and corrections will be presented to the responsible author after the review by the editorial board.
The author will have up to 15 days to send the revised version, which will be sent again for judging.  
The use of the contents of the magazine is free with full reference to the source.

How to write an original research article:
The title page (it is fixed in all types of articles and must be written in both Farsi and English.) The title page includes the full title of the article, the short title of the article, the names of the authors, the scientific address of the authors (affiliation), and the full contact details of the responsible author. and declaring a conflict of interest. Mentioning the year and location of the research in the title, summary, and method of cross-sectional study is mandatory. " Conditions for choosing the title of the article "
The title of the article should not be repeated and published by another author, in another article, in the language of the magazine, or in any other language.
The title of the article should be descriptive of the study and refrain from mentioning formulas and abbreviations.
The title should contain the main variables of the research and not have extra words.
If the article sent to the journal is descriptive, the time and place of the study should be given, but it is not necessary for other types of research.
" Conditions for choosing the short title of the article "
The short title of the article is used during page layout and to categorize the article, and it should have a maximum of 80 characters.
" Names of Authors "
Under the title, the full name of the authors should be mentioned along with their scientific degree, department, hospital, faculty, university, and the city where they work. The responsible author (respondent) should be marked with an asterisk and his/her full details should be mentioned along with his/her e-mail address, work phone number, fax number, and mobile phone number.
   Medical academic address including department, hospital, faculty, university, city, country
   Non-medical academic address including research center, department, faculty, university, city, country
" Abstract and keywords "
The abstract of the research paper contains at least 160 and at most 300 words.
Keywords 10-3 keywords from the vocabulary of medical topic titles (Mesh) are recommended. Non-medical keywords should be searchable on Google.
The abstract of the article must be sent in both Farsi and English languages ​​and their text must match.
The English abstract must match the Persian abstract and be about 300 words at most.

In this section, the importance and necessity of conducting research according to the existing knowledge about the subject and its theoretical foundations, as well as the purpose of the study, should be determined.    In this part, the purpose of the article is stated and its importance and necessity are examined. The introduction is a maximum of 700 words. The introduction includes:
1. Background and explanation of the subject by mentioning reference
2. Necessity of doing research
3. The unanswered questions that this research answers and how the results of this research can help to resolve the ambiguities.
4. Definition of specialized terms or scientific abbreviations
5. The purpose of the research is to clarify 

the materials and methods
In the review method section, the type of study, the research population, the sample under study, the sampling method, the data collection tool, the validity and reliability of the tools, the ethical considerations, and the statistical methods should be carefully stated. In compiling this section, attention to the following points is emphasized:
A- The type of research should be written correctly and documented based on reliable and up-to-date research method sources. In the case of using new research methods, a detailed introduction of the method is mandatory.
B- The way and method of calculating the sample size should be based on the primary outcome of the study and according to the type of design. It is necessary to clearly state all the components related to the sample volume formula used in the article. Therefore, first the primary and secondary consequences of the plan are introduced, and then the exact method of calculating the sample size based on the primary outcome is explained. In addition, the method of calculating the sample size should be consistent with the statistical methods used in the study.
C- The data collection tools used in the research should be clearly and accurately introduced and the process of checking their validity and reliability should be mentioned.
D- The intervention carried out in the trial studies should be clearly and transparently explained in compliance with the intervention protocol in such a way that other researchers can organize a similar intervention.
E- If a special device, device, or software is used, the manufacturing company and its address must be given in parentheses (permission to use it should also be submitted to the journal office).
f- In the case of drug use, the generic name, amount, and period of use should be mentioned.
G- All ethical considerations, including obtaining informed consent from research participants or their legal guardians, should be stated. Also, if an animal is used in the study, the researcher is required to fully describe how to keep the laboratory animals, and it is mandatory to provide permission from the bioethical committee.
Y- In the statistical methods section, the indicators used to describe the data are mentioned and a more complete explanation of the statistical tests should be provided. The considered statistical significance level should also be mentioned.
In general, the materials and methods section should be written in such a way that any reader can repeat the experience of the author of the article. The laboratory methods and equipment used (whether the method of consumption, the manufacturer, etc.), as well as the statistical methods of the study and the entry and exit criteria, should be fully described.
In short, the review method includes:
Time and place of research implementation
Subjects and samples to be tested and selection criteria, sampling method, and the logic of the number of samples (this part is very important and is examined by experts at the beginning of the matter).
How to collect information
Compliance with ethical standards in research
Measuring tools
Statistical tests
The name of the country and the manufacturer of materials and devices should be written in English in the middle of the article.
In this part, text, tables, graphs, and photos should be used appropriately to express the findings. First, the table of the characteristics of the studied subjects, then the descriptive findings, and then the analytical findings. It is necessary to follow the relevant standards according to the type of research.  In trial studies, it is necessary to present the CONSORT
flowchart diagram. Tables, graphs, etc. must have complete and clear numbers and titles. In addition, refrain from bringing the tables whose information is completely in the text. Reporting the results of the response variables is done either quantitatively or qualitatively, it is not appropriate to present the findings of a variable in both quantitative and qualitative ways.     
Items such as frequency and percentage should be mentioned in the tables as frequency (percentage). Also, the mean and standard deviation should be mentioned as mean (standard deviation) in the text and tables.
The maximum number of tables is 5. The title of the table should be at the top and any explanation about the table should be mentioned at the bottom. The titles of the figures are placed below them. Each table and figure must be referenced in the text.
The text of this part should be concise and clear. so that it examines all the variables and summarizes the tables and graphs. If the data of a table is completely stated in the text of the article, avoid bringing the table. Due to the limitation of the pages of the magazine, it is obvious that the repetition of the presentation of the contents given in the text should be avoided in the tables and vice versa.
   In the Persian article, the tables and graphs should be Persian, and the photos, graphs, and tables related to the article along with their descriptions should be specified in the text of the article and with Persian numbering.

The important findings of the research should be mentioned briefly and in accordance with the logical order based on the purpose of the study and discussed with reference to similar and different cases in related texts. If hypotheses are raised in the study, their confirmation or rejection is discussed.
At first, the result of the study is briefly stated. Of course, the items presented in the introduction and findings should not be repeated in detail in this section. In this part, the important aspects of the study are emphasized and while reviewing other articles in this field, and comparing this study with other studies, the results will be compared, interpreted, and interpreted with the primary objectives of the study. The necessary suggestions should be presented and the strengths and weaknesses of the study should be stated.
General conclusion and suggestions The
the conclusion should be expressed clearly and according to the findings of the research and according to the limitations
of the study.
Appreciation and thanks
Gratitude to the sponsoring organization, people participating in the study, and in general all the people who helped the researcher materially and spiritually should be given on a separate page. If the study is a clinical trial, the IRCT registration number must be mentioned, and in the case of interventional research on humans or animals, the approval of the ethics committee must be sent.
In this section, thanks and appreciation should be given to the funding institution, individuals, and organizations who have directly and indirectly collaborated in the study of writing and whose names are not mentioned as authors in the article. It is necessary to write the code of ethics obtained from the ethics committee in this section. The authors can appreciate those who have provided intellectual or technical assistance (including writing and editing) or provided the authors.
Conflict of interest
If the conflict of interest is not included, it is considered that there is no conflict between the authors.
Authors must indicate whether there is a financial relationship between them and the organization that sponsored the research. Conflict of interest should be added in a separate section after the conclusion. If there is no conflict of interest, this sentence should be added in this section:  The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. All authors must confirm the absence of conflict of interest and sign separately and send it to the journal
The authors are responsible for the list of sources. If sources are written and insert endnote or Mendeley Otherwise, in the Vancouver format (numbered according to the order of use in the text), the names of the journals should be mentioned in parentheses. For detailed reading read how to insert sources.
The maximum number of sources of articles is proportional to the type of article. So that a maximum of 70 sources are provided for review articles, 50 original articles, and 30 sources for other cases. In addition, due to the indexing of journal articles in international indexes, it is necessary to translate the title of Persian sources into English and put them in brackets, and at the end of the reference, the word Persian is added in parentheses to make it clear that the original source is in the Persian language. In addition, if the article has more than six authors, the word "et al" should be included in the list of references after mentioning the names of the first six authors. It is also necessary to mention the DOI of the articles at the end of each reference.
Where there are more than two references, the citation should be done using a hyphen, for example (3.1). Authors should ensure that every reference mentioned in the text is also available in the reference list (and vice versa).

Pagination of the text of the article:

In the writing and layout of the article, it is necessary to pay attention to the following general principles:
The articles should be written in fluent Persian language and in compliance with the grammar rules, and refrain from bringing foreign terms that have accurate and expressive equivalents in the Persian language, and in necessary cases, the Latin equivalent inside Put parentheses in front of the word
The article should be written in A4 size and single column using Microsoft Office software version 2007 or higher.
All articles must be saved as WORD DOC.
Also, articles written in the format of a magazine and with Latex are accepted.
Article font B Nazanin, text size 12, and titles should be written in bold. Line spacing should be considered single. 
The Persian font is B Nazanin with size 12 and the Latin font is Times New Roman with size 10.
Follow this order: title page, Persian summary, and keywords, English summary, and keywords, text, acknowledgments, and references.
Observance of writing principles such as periods and commas, which should be attached to the word before it and have a distance from the word after it. Example: The use of commas is required in this situation.
Use the Persian comma ""," in the Persian text and the ""," in the English text.
If multiple English words are used in the Persian text, the comma between the English words must be in Persian font and be close to the previous work and one character away from the next word, and before the last English phrase, the inflectional letter "and" must be spaced. be used
Half spaces must be observed. To write two-part words such as: be, is, bacteria, etc., use the control key and dash (half space) instead of full space. (Can be, is, bacteria, etc.)
A text inside parentheses should not be spaced between parentheses. Example: (see figure)
Be careful with the spelling of the words and if necessary, use the correct usage of tanvin, intensification, and hamzah in the vocabulary.
Use small "y" instead of "e on e". Example: My house
The rules of Persian writing are followed and the text should be clear, fluent, and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. Avoid using foreign words that have expressive and accepted equivalents in the Persian language.
All foreign words and specialized words written in the text that do not have a Persian equivalent, when they are used for the first time in the text, their meaning or English equivalent must be written in a footnote or in parentheses. Any unfamiliar terms or words should be included in the subtitle or in parentheses. Only for the first use of the word, the subtitle or parentheses should be included.
The names of living organisms (genus and species) should be mentioned only in English (Latin) and in italics in all parts of the article.
Write scientific names and words, places, materials, and other foreign words in the text of the article in Farsi and immediately write that word in parentheses in the original language, for example: in vitro
Avoid mentioning " %” and use the word " percentage “instead.
In the case of using mathematical symbols (such as ×, +, -, >, <, =), space should be considered between these symbols and adjacent numbers or words.
To show the temperature, use the word "degrees Celsius" instead of " o C" (example: 25 degrees Celsius).
In statistical comparisons, to express the presence of significant differences, the p symbol should be written with a lowercase letter and in italics, and its values ​​should be written in Farsi without extra spaces. 
The numbers inside the text should be written from one to nine in letters and above nine in numbers (example: two ways, 235 examples).
 Insert page numbers in the middle and bottom.
The names of researchers and scientists should be included in the article in English.
Tables should be named with Persian numbers, such as "Table 1." Figure 1. "
Persian numbers should be written with decimals (/) and English numbers should be written with periods (0).
The number of tables, graphs, and pictures should be proportional to the volume of the article. A maximum of 7 tables, photos, and diagrams are acceptable.
The contents of the tables and graphs, as well as the descriptions of the tables, graphs, and pictures must be in Persian.
Each of the pictures, tables, and diagrams should be placed in its place and within the text of the article.
Tables, graphs, and images should be numbered in order throughout the article.
Description of pictures, tables, and pictures (each of them will be specified in the text of the article and their place in the text with a number.)
Descriptions of tables, graphs, and pictures must be written in full. Descriptions of pictures and graphs should be inserted below the figure and descriptions of tables should be inserted above the table.
Each table should have a title at the top.
Each of the pictures and diagrams must have a title below it.
Each of the images must be sent to the publication in JPEG or   TIFF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
The Excel file of the charts should be sent separately.
standard abbreviations can be used in the text of the article; Of course, the first time an abbreviation is used, its full name must be stated in parentheses or a footnote.
If there is a lot of content in the subtitle, the content can be presented in two columns.
In the text of the article, it is better to use the generic name of the drugs, and the first time the name of the drug is used, the name of the manufacturing company, the city, and the country of manufacture should be mentioned in parentheses in English.
The author is obliged to use only standard contractual abbreviations. Avoid writing abbreviations in the title and abstract

Technical conditions of the article:
Text line numbering, for an article that is inserted in the article submission section without authors' names.
For this purpose, follow the following path in Word 2010, 2013: Page Layout -» Line Numbers -» Continuous
The article will be returned to the author after the initial review and receiving the opinions of the judges (at least 3 people), if correction is needed. If the reforms are completed on time, the final review will be done. In case it is not accepted, it will be announced to " the author of the link (sender of the article) “. This stage lasts for a maximum of 90 days and the writer has up to 15 days to revise the article.   
A copy of the last edited article is sent to the author for printing (final proof), after the author approves the last changes, the article is sent for printing.  Applying changes after the approval of the final version will not be accepted.
 Compliance with ethical restrictions: In clinical trials, the names of patients and hospital bed numbers should not be mentioned (especially in pictures).  Consent from patients should be mentioned. It should be determined that the epidemiological study or clinical trial has been approved by the research ethics committee of the university or advanced research center or the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education.
 The printing and publication of the article on clinical trials are subject to its registration in the Iranian Clinical Trials Registration Center (IRK) or any of the international registration centers approved by the World Health Organization.
Conflict of interest: In multicenter studies, the agreement of the researchers of the centers should be attached. In the studies that are supported by private companies, the content of the agreement and the decision of the editor-in-chief will be decisive.
 The word or phrases used as abbreviations are mentioned in parentheses in their first use.
This magazine publishes your article for free 
 After the publication of the article, the journal will archive its documents for six months and destroy them after the specified time.
 Printing and publishing the contents of the magazine is allowed after obtaining permission from the editor, and mentioning the source. Any kind of material and intellectual use of the publication's content is prohibited without written permission from the editor.
 Any changes in the content of the article, such as changing the number of authors' names, adding or reducing content, inserting and deleting findings, are not possible after the " final judgment" is finalized.
At the time of submission, a file containing the names of the authors, a file of the main text of the article without the names of the authors, a personal photo of the responsible author, and ethical forms should be sent.
The author(s) of the article is responsible for the correctness of the published material from a scientific, ethical and legal point of view
References: _
Format: Vancouver AMA crochet All sources in English
References in the text are numerical and in parentheses. Example: (2)
Note: When writing the source from the above (Internet, etc.), pay attention to the marks (point, comma, etc.) and also to the presence or absence of space.

Farsi magazine:   all the resources provided in each article (even Persian articles) - due to the magazine being indexed in international websites - including the name of the author or authors, the title of the article, the full name of the magazine in English, the year of publication of the article based on the Addis number, date Magazine and pages should be written in English.

[1]. Mirnejad R, Vahdati AR, Rashidiani J, Erfani M, Piranfar V. The antimicrobial effect of lactobacillus casei culture supernatant against multiple drug resistant clinical isolates of Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri in vitro. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2013; 15 (2):6-122. (Persian)
English magazine:  surname and name of the author or authors, full title of the article. Abbreviated name of the magazine. year of publication; Magazine number: Pages. If the number of authors is more than 6 people, after the name of the sixth person, the phrase " et al " should be used.

[1]. Mirnejad R, Vahdati AR, Rashidiani J, Erfani M, Piranfar V. The antimicrobial effect of lactobacillus casei culture supernatant against multiple drug resistant clinical isolates of Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri in vitro. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2013;15(2):122-6.
Book:  family name and the name of the writer or writers. The title of the book. Print number. City of publication: Publisher; Publication year.
[1]. Ho MT, Saunders CE. Current Emergency Diagnosis and Treatment. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Appleton and Lang; 1998.
A chapter from book B: family name and the name of the author of the chapter. Title of the chapter. The title of the book. The family name and the name of the authors of the book. Print number. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication year. pages _
[1]. Champion RH. Disorders of sweat glands. In: Rook Textbook of Dermatology. Champion RH, Burton JL, Burns DA, editors. 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1998. p. 1985-2002.
Journal from the Internet, Web site and CD-ROM respectively according to the following examples:
[1]. LaPorte RE, Marler E, Akazawa S, Sauer F. The death of biomedical journals. BMJ [serial online]. 1995; 310: 1387-90. Available from: Accessed September 26, 1996.
[2]. Hoffman DL. St. John's Wort. 1995; [4 screens]. Available at: URL: Accessed July 16, 1998. - Gershon ES. Antisocial behavior. Arch Gen Psychiatry [serial on CD-ROM]. 1995; 52: 900-901.


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