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Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences , elyasihossein8@gmail.com
Abstract:   (400 Views)
Enterobiasis is a common helminthic infection in children worldwide, often causing itching around the anus, especially at night, and sometimes neurological complications. The prevalence of this infection has been reported in various parts of Iran. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of enterobiasis in children aged 2 to 12 in Sabzevar. To implement this project, 250 children (149 boys and 101 girls) were selected through cluster sampling with the coordination of their parents (in 2019). The samples were tested in the Faculty of Medicine parasitology laboratory using the Scotch test method. The data and results were examined and analyzed using the Chi-square statistical test. In this study, out of 250 children examined, 22 cases (8.8%) had Enterobius vermicularis infection. The findings showed that Enterobius vermicularis infection had no significant relationship with age, gender, mother's education, mother's occupation, place of residence, or hand washing. However, there was a significant relationship between anal itching, teeth grinding, moodiness, sleep disturbance, and finger sucking. This study found that the level of infection with Enterobius vermicularis in Sabzevar is lower than in many parts of the country. This lower prevalence is likely due to specific weather conditions, sampling timing (during the COVID-19 pandemic), and increased health awareness among the population. These factors are important and effective in reducing the prevalence of infection in children in this region compared to some regions of Iran and the world. Future studies should involve a larger sample size and be conducted under normal (non-pandemic) conditions. Additionally, treating infected children should be continued to further control the infection.
Book Review: Original Article | Subject: Medical Parasitology
Received: 2023/10/7 | Accepted: 2023/11/11

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